“Promise Keepers is
a Christ-centered organization dedicated to motivating men to influence their
world through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The key to Promise Keepers are
individual men keeping their promises in the context of their family, church and
community. Promise Keepers is dedicated to calling men into the ongoing process
of godliness. When we reach men, we reach families.”
Have seen or heard Redeemer’s promotion of a Promise Keepers
event taking place in Battle Creek in late August? Have you been intrigued but don’t really know
what this Promise Keepers thing is all about?
Well, keep reading!
” From
its founding in 1990 to 2009, Promise Keepers’ mission has been to ignite and
unite men to become warriors who will change their world through living out the
Seven Promises. From 2009 – 2011 PK broadened its mission to include a place
for women, and young adults at its events. For 2012 and onward, Promise Keepers
will re-focus its conferences for men.”
It is my belief that strong men equal strong families and
strong churches. We need the males in
our society to step up and be counted. I
also believe that we need to offer our men opportunities to gather with
like-minded men to learn how to be strong leaders.
have found that men tend to be more open to God’s presence when they are with
other men. There is something unique about the all-male environment that sets
men free to drop the normal posturing and humble ourselves in Jesus Christ,
committing to new beginnings.”
A Promise Keepers conference is a fantastic place for men to
gather and be transformed.
Keepers had directly reached more than 6 million men through men’s conferences
– including an assembly of 1.4 million men on the United States national mall
in Washington D.C., on October 4, 1997 – and the number continues to grow each
year. Through over 200 stadium, arena and church events Promise Keepers
encourages men to be transformed and live godly lives.”
Redeemer is gathering a group of men to attend the Promise
Keepers conference being held August 23-24, 2013 in Battle Creek, MI. The conference opens Friday evening, runs
until 10pm and then continues 9am-4pm on Saturday. Once a group is gathered we will determine if
hotel rooms will be obtained or if the attendees will drive back Friday
night. The cost is only $49 and includes
lunch on Saturday. Please add your name
to the registration list in church lobby or contact kim@dewittredeemer.org to reserve your
spot by July 31, 2013. More information
about the conference can be obtained at www.promisekeepers.org.
Invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker or relative as this
promises to be a life changing event!