Matt Redman sings Never Let Go, and as summer is winding down and kids (and parents...) are getting ready for this upcoming school year we reflect back on the past couple months.
Most of you already know that summer is full of mission trips and summer camps for those of us who serve here at Redeemer. And it was amazing...I mean I can't even begin to tell you all the stories from campers/volunteers at Workcamp, Christian Athletic Camp, Wesley Woods, Bayshore or some other camp.
When I look over the number of volunteers that serve with the kids, I was shocked to see that 43 people in our congregation served as volunteers for at least some part of a week at camps and 130 of the children who are connected to Redeemer were at camp as campers this year. That is truly amazing. Over 170 people in our congregation were a part of some summer camp!!!!
Awesomeness abound and I know that most would be willing to share their experience with you if you just asked.
The weather this last week though has made me kick into Fall mode and as we launch into another year of programming kicking off with comedian, Robert Lee on September 7 & 8 I get pretty excited.
Excited for the opportunities we all have to grow closer in our relationship with Jesus in Worship, Christian Education, Bible Studies, and Small Groups.
In my reading the past few weeks I noticed that Luke wrote in Acts that the first believers "...devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to
fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and
to prayer." (2:42). To keep the momentum of the summer I hope you all get connected to the teaching here at Redeemer whether in the Worship Center or some Christian Education opportunity.
That you come to worship. That you connected with a or reconnect with your small groups for fellowship and sharing. For the record; I don't think it's ever a bad idea to share meals with each other. That is a great place for fellowship and sharing. Finally fellow believers we need to make sure we are all praying without ceasing; like Paul says. In the world we live there is much to pray Just Do It!!! nothing like ripping old Nike stuff from back in the day.
Get connected this fall so that you in turn can do what we at Redeemer are called to do: Connect people with the love and life of Jesus Christ. Hope to see you around.
God Rocks and We Roll,
Ron Bekkering
Director of High School and College Ministry