If you truly want to grow in your personal
relationship with Jesus, the Lenten season should not be about “giving up”
something in your everyday life. Rather, it should be more about “adding”
something. I would like to suggest several possibilities for significant
“additions” that will enhance your spiritual growth during Lent:
Add prayer: Spend a few minutes at the beginning of each day asking for
God’s guidance and direction throughout the day and then rely on Him to help
you with every action you take and every decision you make. Take a few moments
as the family gathers around the evening meal (yes, you can do this at the
drive-thru) and thank God for His many blessings. Spend a few more minutes at
bedtime, reflecting on the positive impact He had on your day.
Add Bible reading: Read one verse or paragraph from the Bible each day.
There’s insight, encouragement, and peace of mind you will experience
first-hand…an experience you will not find in any other book or
publication. To help you, take advantage of the Redeemer monthly Bible
Scripture readings. You can find these readings on the Redeemer web site or
look for the printed copy in the worship folder at the beginning of each month.
Add good works: Members of the congregation who took part in “Take-Five”
last spring discovered the powerful and multiplying effects of intentional
“small acts of kindness”. God uses the small acts of individuals to accomplish
mighty aspects of His Divine Plan. If you want others to see the “life and love
of Jesus”, let them see it through the small acts of kindness you do for them
or the acts they see you do for others.
Add worship: As a family, join other members of the congregation in weekly
worship. Worshiping together with others strengthens our faith, fills us with
hope and encouragement, and shows us how to give love to others. There is nothing
more important on Sunday morning than worshiping God.
To help you this Lenten season, we will
provide an important resource that incorporates many of these ideas. On Sunday
March 2, members of the congregation will be given a devotional that includes a
daily prayer, daily scripture reading, and ideas on how to bless others. Use
this resource to “add” things to your Lenten season this year and you will have
a clearer vision of Jesus the Risen Savior come Easter Sunday morning.