This reminded me of a couple things: 1) The fact that my children really do like each other, and 2) what an amazing God we serve, who can fill our lives with such simple things that bring us so much joy!
I realized that the joy wasn’t just in my children as they were creating bracelets out of string and an imagination or a vision coming to life through paper and pencils. They joy was also bursting out through me as I watched!
This led me to thinking about God. It’s hard for me to describe how I felt watching my children that day but I know it pales in comparison to the way God feels when he watches us imagine, build, grow, serve and walk with Him.
As I write this, we are in the middle of Vacation Bible School at Redeemer Church in DeWitt, Michigan and the theme for the week is how God takes ordinary things and makes them extraordinary. He really does! I have witnessed many volunteers this week doing what could seem like such an ordinary role yet it is having a huge impact on the kids. When God is involved ordinary roles become extraordinary. I am so deeply humbled every time I think about how God uses me, someone very simple, ordinary & full of sin, to do extraordinary things for His kingdom here on Earth.