Monday, January 26, 2015

Winter Emergencies - by Sandy Hrostowski

Our weather is now well into the winter months.  If you’ve lived in Michigan for any period of time, you know the weather can be very unpredictable.  The possibility of an emergency while driving on our snow covered roadways is something we must be prepared for. 

During one winter a few years back, all I wanted to do was get home!  The roads were solid ice, and traffic was moving at a snail’s pace.  A semi passed me a little too close, which caused me to go into a full circle spin.  Not one spin, but three.  As I headed into the middle median, all I could see were trees.  I thought I was going to crash; instead I stopped just a few feet from the tree line.  It quickly became apparent to me that I was stuck.

Suddenly, there was a man and woman at my car window.  They told me they would help me, and to follow their directions.  They pushed me back up the hill and onto the road.  I can truly say I was visited by angels that day. 

For traveling any great distance by car, packing an emergency kit may make the difference between getting back on the road soon, and being stuck where you are for some time.

Same is true in our Christian life, be sure to pack your emergency kit every day to keep you on the right track … don’t get stuck - fuel your soul by spending daily time with the Lord. If you need a good Christian book to help you or a daily devotional, there is a great selection right here at DeWitt Redeemer Church in the bookstore.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Read the Manual - by Ben Barnes

Over the next month or two, the sound system at Redeemer will be getting a major facelift. We're having a new sound board installed that can do pretty much anything we ask of it... Except maybe taxes! I've read and researched and observed sound boards for close to a year and after all of that, I feel like the board we've ordered is the best option for Redeemer. Now the monumental task is to read (and understand) the 500+ page user manual full of diagrams, stories and examples that explain how and when to use each knob, button and flashing light on the new board.

When I made a new commitment to Christ in high school, I knew that it was for the best and I was really excited to live it out. However, I had no idea how to do that. I remember feeling overwhelmed by not knowing where to start with the task of living out the commitment I had just made. The beauty of the Christian life is that we have a manual.  The Bible is our instruction manual. There are stories, examples and instructions (and even maps if you have a high end model). As this year starts, keep in mind that we have help in the Bible. God's Word is there to help us figure out how to live our Christian lives while we're here. The task is to read it.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Things I Learn on Sunday Mornings – by Sue Campbell

Getting back after 2 weeks of not having Kingdom Kids or Kingdom Quest reminded me of some things (not in any particular order)---

  • Kids are wonderfully concrete thinkers as shown in a recent discussion at the nursery snack table:
One child:  “Sometimes I get scared at night, but God is with me”
   Another child:  “God’s always with us”
   The 3rd child:  “Yep, God’s always with us!”
I didn’t need to say a word – there were no but’s,
maybe’s, doubts or exceptions, that was that!
  • Sharing food nourishes the soul as much as the tummy --- many of the best God-moments are during snack time
  • No matter how prepared I think I am – there’s always something that comes up that makes me so grateful for our team and their grace!
  • I need to worship – I start the morning by going to the 8:15 service to make sure I’m putting God first before I jump into the rest of the morning
  • I need to learn – every Sunday I make new faith connections from listening to Pastor Rod’s message and spending time with the kids
  • I need to serve – it fills my bucket to be a part of God’s plan here at DeWitt Redeemer
  • God is good!  No but’s, maybe’s or exceptions!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Becoming a CnE - by Debby Kloosterman

Sometimes we just need to think differently about things…  It’s easy for me, even as a Christian, to judge others too quickly. Perhaps I speak with disdain or even a little superiority about those individuals who only come to church on Christmas and Easter.  (You know those “CNE” people.)

Maybe I don’t understand how just two times a year is sufficient time to worship a big God. 

I am designing a new campaign for myself called “Take Back the Cross”. It’s modeled after the “Take Back the Night” movement. TBTN is a non-profit organization with the mission of ending sexual violence. The idea is that no woman should fear the night because she is vulnerable to predatory attack.  This involves reframing the status of victim to the status of survivor.

My campaign involves reframing “CNE”, Christmas and Easter, to” CnE”, Christ in Everything. “Christ in Everything” demands that I put aside judgmental attitudes and operate with mercy and compassion.
I am not sure how many others will join my campaign. “Take Back the Cross” may involve sacrifice, selflessness and thoughtfulness in what I say and what I do. It will undoubtedly be a life work.
Those who would like to join me don’t need to sign anything. Just ask Jesus to serve as your “life coach” and hold you accountable to be more like Him.