Tuesday, July 28, 2015

God's perfect timing - by Sandy Hrostowski

Do you believe in miracles? I know it’s a really big question. I’d like to tell you about the miracle my daughter received. I’ll start by telling you her name is Mellisa. She is my youngest child. Many years ago, when she was only 7, a terrible event happened. She was struck in the eye with an old rusty garden shovel. The injury damaged her eye so badly, she was declared legally blind in that eye. Now if this wasn’t bad enough, at age 11 she had to have brain surgery. Initially Doctors thought she had a tumor. However, it turned out to be an abscess caused by the initial eye injury and debris that found its way into her brain. 

Without going into great detail, this injury has had a profound effect on her life. Over the years she has struggled with fear over any type of surgical procedure to repair the eye. Life goes on, and you find a way to live with your circumstances.

My daughter has deep faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. She has never wavered in believing that Jesus loves her and looks out for her. Last September, the doctor who has followed her case over the years, contacted us to let us know he was going to retire. He wanted Mellisa to know that before he retired, he wanted to help her with her eye. It took almost a year of examinations and testing to determine if surgery at this point would even help her.

With much prayer support and family decisions, Mellisa had her Corneal Transplant on June 2, 2015. Her pre surgery eye sight was 20/400 and now is 20/60. Oh, and Mellisa is now 40 years old – Yes miracles do happen. 

Never give up hope or cease praying. Our father does hear us through Jesus Christ. The timing can seem forever, but his timing is perfect.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Possibilities are Endless - by Ben Barnes

In college, one of my professors would host events just about every weekend. Bonfires, hay rides, dodgeball tournaments… he was a lot of fun.  He’d put posters up all over campus with event details and pictures of past events. At the bottom of every poster, without fail, were the words, “The possibilities are endless.”

I never quite understood what he meant by that until I finally attended an event. There was food, music, entertainment… there was even medical staff at one party I attended. If you could think of it or needed it, it was probably available at this guy’s parties. One time he had a barber and a massage therapist giving free services. Those parties were great.

Ephesians 1 says that we’ve been blessed with every spiritual blessing from Heaven. Maybe that’s not food and entertainment, but it’s certainly better than those things. Need peace?  You have it. Need patience? Boom. There it is. Every spiritual blessing. Yours. Mine  Because we’re with Christ. Because we are united with Christ, we’ve got spiritual blessings beyond what we could ask for or imagine.  The possibilities are truly endless.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Forgiveness - by Susan Jensen

Have you ever heard that forgiveness is for the forgiver more than for the offender? It’s a great statement…but is it true?  Consider these following quotes:

 "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."  Nelson Mandela

 “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” Martin Luther King, Jr

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.”  Jesus in Matthew 5:38-40

Well, those are all great quotes by some pretty lofty people, and by Jesus who is perfect. Can we really expect to be that good? After all, we are just regular people. I know left to my own instincts, I might just want the other person to suffer just a bit; it only seems fair, because after all, in my opinion… they started it – right!

Consider the atrocity we have recently witnessed in the news at the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston. Almost immediately we witnessed friends and relatives of the slain voicing truly sincere forgiveness. It makes me ask myself, could I do the same. My gut says not if it were my child, my spouse, my parent. So how can those closely affected by the shooting do so? Now look at the next quote.

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.”  ― Søren Kierkegaard

We can only truly forgive such hate through Christ. Our daughters live in the Charleston area, and in the aftermath they say that there is truly a sense of love, forgiveness and compassion towards one another that crosses the boundaries of race, gender and age. This true forgiveness that started at the AME Church and is spreading out to the region comes through a true relationship and reliance on Christ and a living out of that faith. If a church family faced with such evil can forgive by relying on God, I believe we all can, but it doesn’t come from ourselves, it has to start with God.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Portland Strong...Hanging on the Promises - by Ron Bekkering

What a crazy couple of weeks.  Haiti, VBS, a Tornado, The Fourth of July....As i arrvied home from Haiti and prepared myself for Vacation Bible School I was so happy with the number of people who promised to support me by praying for all that I have going on. Those events went off with no hitches and all that I felt was exhaustion, but don't we all.  I was beginning my ramp up for Christian Athletic Camp and Active Christian Training (counseling and deaning) when I was sitting at my desk figuring out paperwork when I got a call from a friend that said Portland had expereinced a Tornado and as many as 70 houses were damaged. They told me it started out by Friend Rd., now that wouldn't shock many of you, but when you live in Portland and Friend Rd. is less than half a mile from your house, you might get a little scared. I called my neighbor, he didn't answer. I worried...Called my other neighbor and he was driving in the sub division and said wait until he got in the drive. After walking around our houses, he informed me "your grill is moved." I was relieved and laughed. It wasn't in it's normal spot where he sees me grilling on a weekly basis all year long. What I want to tell you is that although our neighborhood was spared, many in Portland were not. It turned out to be a 50ft. wide 10 mile long runway of destruction. I know you've seen it on the news, through Facebook, and through Redeemer's efforts to help raise money for the Portland Church. The United Methodist Church in Portland lost the roof and the Baptist Church and Congregational Church were damaged even more. Over 80 houses and mulitple businesses were affected by the little funnel of wind that decided to set down in Portland. What I saw after that was Portland Strong. The community came together for clean up efforts, football teams stopped lifting to move downed trees, downtown was full of people, chainsaws, gloves, and trucks as we spent nights along the streets, in back yards, and businesses. This strong feeling was even more on display as the four (4) churches damaged joined together under the roof of a High School Auditiorium that became a Worship Center for our community. It was amazing to see! Baptists, Methodists, Wesleyans, and Congregationalists all came together for Community Worship Experience (and they will for the next four weeks scheduled). Isn't it neat that God doesn't care what we label ourselves. We are His sons and daughters when we believe in Jesus. It was an honor to be at the first joint service and I was shocked to see our Bishop Deb Kiesey there. it made me proud to be a United Methodist and a member of Redeemer United Methodist.

Thinking of my younger years; a song hit my brain during that community service and although we didn't sing it, I was still humming it all day Sunday. R. Kelso Carter penned these lyrics and music.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, by the living Word of God I shall prevail, standing on the promises of God.
Standing, standing, standing on the promises of Christ my Savior; standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God.  (vs.2)

So no matter what storms hit us, we know that we can hold onto the Promises of God. Fear, Doubt, Tornados, or whatever we encounter we can know God is by our side. We have been fortunate to be hearing a great sermon series of being Set Free and last Sunday was a home run by Pastor Rod. Just breaking down those verses and promises that God has given made me feel even more confident that the Promises of God are Strong and we can Stand on them.

God Rocks and We Roll