The Bible verses used for the message were from the New Testament book of Hebrews, chapter 11. This chapter gives a litany of well-known people in the Old Testament who acted on faith even though they couldn’t see the bigger picture. They all had to take a first step and trust that God would be there to see them through the next steps.
Probably the most well-known of the examples given is Noah. Noah was an ordinary God-fearing guy who built an enormous boat in his yard. His yard was nowhere near a body of water and he had no way to transport this huge structure but he listened to God, followed the instructions and built it anyway.
In our modern daily lives, these kinds of leaps of faith generally aren’t called for but the smaller ones are just as important. What kind of faith steps are you considering? Do you want to learn more about the Bible? Your first step might be to take a basic Bible overview class (This class will be in regular rotation on Sunday mornings here at Redeemer!). Are you being called to charitably give more than what you’re giving right now? Your first step might be making a pledge to the church to give a specific amount for the next six months or making a commitment to support the ministry of the missionary family that is speaking on October 18. Perhaps you’re retired or an empty nester with a few hours a month that you would like to fill. Your first step could be to check out the volunteer opportunities within the church walls or the outreach opportunities beyond the church walls.
God will use whatever first step you take to further His kingdom and to help you reach for more!