Monday, September 26, 2016

The Original Verizon Message: A Modern Parable - by Debby Kloosterman

Do you remember the old Verizon commercials?  Actor, Paul Marcarelli, portrayed a network serviceman who travels about asking, “Can you hear me now?”  It seems to me that Verizon received way too much credit for immortalizing that phrase! 

This was reinforced for me last Sunday as Rod preached about Elijah.  There is no reference to Elijah in the Bible until 1 Kings 17:1-9.  God instructs Elijah to go places and follow His leading.  Meanwhile, God systematically reduces the things that Elijah can rely upon (his resources, his labor, his security).  By reducing all the things that are familiar back-up plans, it is as though God is asking, “Can you hear me now?”  As God encourages Elijah to rely more and more upon HIM, Elijah is able to do more things that further God’s plan. 
Lesson #1:  God’s strength is made perfect in Elijah’s weakness.

Lesson #2:  Sometimes it’s okay to rely on your network but ultimately God wants us to rely on Him.

Fast forward to today:  Actor, Paul Marcarelli, is now working for Sprint and telling us that it’s every bit as good as his old network.
Lesson #3:  Our network may change but God’s love and His message are the same.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Better & Stronger - by Tammy Bowman

This week I will begin following a strict 16-week marathon training schedule…YIKES! I say “YIKES” because this will be my 3rd marathon and I mentally and physically know what to expect. This is extremely exciting, but it also terrifies me a bit.  I know that I will experience moments of running highs that will include reaching distance goals, achieving a faster pace, and braving through challenging weather conditions. But there will also be moments of running lows including exhaustion, blisters, body aches and pains, challenging Michigan weather conditions, and I usually trip and fall a couple times.

I have been preparing myself over the past year to get physically prepared to not just run 26.2 miles but to make it through the 4 months of training. I feel that I have properly prepared myself physically but that doesn’t always ensure that things will go the way I plan. There will be a lot of unexpected bumps along the way, but I know that after I cross that finish line in Disney World, I will be a better and stronger person for having gone through it.

Even more so, I hope to be a better and stronger Christian when I cross that finish line.

I have been reading the book Soul Detox by Craig Groeschel and it has helped me to focus my thoughts, mind, attitude, actions and soul towards Christ in all that I do. When I run, I am alone a lot with my thoughts and I spend a lot of time in reflection. Knowing that I will have hours of alone time terrifies me a bit too. Like most people, I fill up my days doing things, being busy. Sometimes it’s just easier to be distracted then to be challenged with focusing on Christ. Even as I write this blog, I am distracted.

“What about you? What’s your greatest fear? Can you choose to trust God with it? Be as honest with yourself as you can. This is really important. In my experience, the further away I get from God, the more the what-ifs of this world begin to pile on, trying to suffocate me with fear. But the closer I am to God, the more I’m able to trust him, and the less hold the things of this world have on me. Choose. Tell God what it is you’re afraid of. Then trust him no matter what.” Craig Groeschel, Soul Detox

Not only is it difficult to face my own fears, it is painful to even begin to identify and admit those fears. Sure, foam fingers scare the mess out of me but I’m not talking about those kinds of fears. I’m talking about the ones that I think about when I have time in solitude. The painful fears that I’m not sure I’m fully ready to give up control on. The ones that for some reason I am holding on to because I know that when I give them to God, he will not only make me face them but he will use them to make me a better and stronger Christian.

Beginning a training program is always a little scary, because I know the process of improving is sometimes painful.  As Christians we tend to take the same approach.  Admitting our fears and facing them to become better will be painful, but in the end all the time and effort will have made a lasting difference and will bring us closer to God.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"A Man My Age" - by Kelvin Fizzell

As many of you know, I celebrated my 65th birthday this past May. I had not been spending a lot of time reflecting (some read agonizing) on my age. I would generally go about the daily activities of life without giving it a second thought.
During a recent office visit, to review some routine tests, the doctor began the evaluation with the phrase “well, for a man your age”… I vaguely remember some discussions about cholesterol, blood pressure, yada, yada, yada… Honestly, the phrase “for a man your age” kept resonating in my mind! “A MAN MY AGE”… Had I been overlooking something? Was I supposed to be looking at life thru older lenses? Was I supposed to be acting differently? Was I supposed to slow down…not try to accomplish as much? Be more like “a man my age”?
During everyday life, self-doubt, apprehension, lack of self-confidence, or even the questioning of one’s faith can easily creep into our daily thought. If or when it does, God has this amazing capacity/timing for offering support and strength when we really need it. One needs only to be receptive in order to hear His guidance and direction. For this “man of my age” dilemma I was struggling with, God’s message came to me during a sermon series Pastor Rod offered on Sundays at Redeemer Church over the recent summer months. The sermons talked about a man from the Old Testament of the Bible by the name of Abraham. Abraham was well into his late 80’s when God asked him to do the unexpected…to pack up everything that he owned and to move to a land far away, from his family, and from everything that he had ever known in his life. Interestingly, God did not begin instructing Abraham by saying…I have something special for “a man your age” to do. God simply presented His vision to him. To God, Abraham’s age was inconsequential in the matter. Even though Abraham himself wondered why God would ask him to do all this as a “man of his age”, he faithfully did what God had asked of him. By being faithful, and overlooking his own self-doubt regarding his age, Abraham went on to build a great nation as God had promised that he would.
As we grow in years, it’s tempting to develop a mindset that discourages us from being open to opportunities that God places in front of us. This attitude should be put aside in every way. We should not be concerned with being “a person of our age”, but rather being “a person for all ages” when it comes to serving the Lord.
After this, Abram had a vision and heard the Lord say to him, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I will shield you from danger and give you a great reward.” Genesis 15:1 NIV

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Decisions - by Diane Lantzy

A little three year old boy I know (who will remain nameless to protect the innocent) was bitten at day care recently.
The teacher asked: “Why did he bite you?”
The perhaps less then innocent little boy replied: “He had his reasons.”
As adults, we think we have moved past this type of behavior but unfortunately, it often just changes formats. I certainly have done things that haven’t been done for the right reasons and then I am surprised when these actions come back and bite me (at least I am speaking figuratively now). On the other hand, there are times when I should take action but am afraid of the consequences so do nothing to avoid getting bitten.
I face many decisions each day – some are more important than others. When I struggle with any decision, there are many verses from the Bible that are helpful to me. Here are a couple:
“Let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance.:"  Proverbs 1:5
I can always use good advice from godly friends.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  Philippians 4:6
Remembering that God is always with me helps comfort me especially when I am worried that there may be negative consequences of a well thought out decision.
Listening to others, reading the Bible and talking to God is always a good path to take.