Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blue Envelopes - By Kelvin Fizzell

At Redeemer Church, we believe that God wants each one of us to actively support the ministry work done here through the effective use of our time…our talents…our prayers…and our financial resources.

As my wife Sally and I were learning how to develop a consistent pattern of faithful giving in response to God’s abundant blessings in our lives, we found that weekly giving envelopes were extremely helpful in building our regular support for the ministry work at Redeemer Church.
These blue custom offering envelopes were mailed to our home each month. We could use some or all of the envelopes to bring our cash or check offering to the weekly worship service. By using these envelopes, we could designate how we wanted our contributions allocated. Because we used these envelopes, the church office was able to keep accurate records of our contributions throughout the year and then provided this information to us at tax time.

If you do not currently receive these monthly envelopes, and would like to, please let us know and we can add you to the mailing list.

Thank you for your faithful support for all we do at Redeemer Church.

Kelvin Fizzell
Financial Assistant

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Show Up & Be Thankful - by Ben Barnes

I wasn't a great student as a kid, but here's what I remember about Thanksgiving.  Pilgrims came to ‘the new world' on the Mayflower.  They were running from religious persecution.  They landed at Plymouth Rock and set up shop.  By late fall, the pilgrims were starving due to lack of farming experience in an unfamiliar environment.  The native Americans took pity on the pilgrims and brought food and blankets and farming techniques to share with the foreigners that didn't really deserve those gifts.  The whole lot of them had a meager feast of lobster and rabbit for three days and nights.

Sunday mornings are a time of celebration for the church.  We celebrate what God has done in and through us.  We celebrate the Holy Spirit's work in our lives.  We celebrate of what Jesus did to save our souls.  Our Sunday mornings are like minor Thanksgivings, and here's why.  The pilgrims had very little to bring to the table.  They could only show up and be thankful.  In very much the same way, we have very little to bring to the table when we come to worship on Sunday mornings.  All we can do is be thankful for the gifts that we don't deserve.  That sounds a lot like Romans 5:8 to me; "But God demonstrates His love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Ben Barnes
Director of Worship Arts