Wednesday, July 17, 2013


What a sweet, sweet sound out of the mouth of a Kingdom Quest 2nd grader!  Among the helpful hands coming to paint, was a mom and 3 young daughters.  I watched as Mom helped them pick paintbrushes and settle on the floor in front of 3 palm branches.  As she put a dot of green paint on each of the leaves to show them where to paint, one of her sweet girls declared:  “THAT’S FABULOUS!!!” 
It got me to thinking of what’s been pretty fabulous about this whole painting project:

 ·         All that Donna, our artist, is bringing – her creativity and talent which is beyond words, her weekend time and travel, her humor and joy…
·         Frank’s (one of Donna’s friends) awesome talent and time in providing the vinyl lettering
·         The discussions, laughter and bonds forming between new friends, young and old
·         The welcomes, patience and high-fives I’ve seen towards the kids who have come
·         The investment and utter joy of the kids as show someone the spot they painted
·         The fun and delight our staff enjoys in getting to spend extra time to get to know people better
·         And oh yes, those incredible walls of color we’ll enjoy for years ahead!

I can just imagine God watching His people in service to Him and saying:  “That’s fabulous!”  Thank you all for giving your time, talents and prayers to this ministry project – it is making a difference now and it will continue to as God brings new faces to His house to learn about and worship Him.  May our efforts always be for His Glory and Honor!