Hello Redeemer Family...
Ron here,
I just wanted to take a few minutes and share some of my post "camp" thoughts and such.
I would start by telling you how blessed I feel to have been able to be a part of two camps put on by the West Michigan Conference and supported by numerous peeps of Redeemer. In the two weeks (week 1 at Christian Athletic Camp and week 2 at ACT at Wesley Woods) that I was serving at camp we were able to reach out to over 410 youth. That's a huge Praise God thing in itself, but when you get the opportunity to pray with kids and help them through many of their problems, it truly becomes something I thank God for the opportunity.
At CAC, we did a whole "Throwback Jesus" series. When we talk "throwback", think retro!!! Not like we're throwing Him back. We talked about who He is and what He means to us. At ACT, we discovered through superheroes how we too can become superheroes for Jesus because as Matthew 19:26 says; "with man it's impossible, but with God it is possible."
I will tell you coming back to church this past week was a little weird. I've been talking to many staff from both camps on Facebook these past couple weeks and it's amazing how much we all miss it and are so happy with the impact we've made on students. Not to mention how much fun we had serving Jesus in camper mode.\
I am so happy to belong to a church family that so strongly supports camp opportunities. When we needed help with scholarships for campers you were there, when we were looking for help with Workcamp you were there. When it comes to helping kids in our congregation you all shine the best. I can't even begin to tell you thank you enough for helping to insure that God's work is done outside the walls of our church. Truly Blessed is all that comes to mind when I think of all the people here that serve at a camp; from the kids in CREW and Next to the ones that attend all of the services we offer.
God showed up Big; as He always does and it wouldn't have been possible without the prayers and support of this congregation. Looking forward to the many opportunities that we will have in the future to be God's people outside the walls of Redeemer!!!
Only 5 weeks and the kids will be back in school and more programming will kick off...Let's keep the Holy Ghost party going, I need it to continue after an awesome God filled summer!!!!
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