And one of the ways that God wants all of us to grow is in
our stewardship – whether it is of our time, talents, or finances. But He considered our attitudes toward money
so critical that money is mentioned more than any other topic in the Bible. Unfortunately, many pastors shy away from
teaching about this important topic because they don’t want to be accused of
only talking about money…even if they only do it once or twice a year! How sad for people in these church families
who are denied this important teaching.
We all want to hear when we go to heaven…’well done, good and faithful
servant.’ But how can we know what is
expected if no one teaches us?
For that reason, we are so fortunate that Pastor Rod is
willing to teach on this subject during his messages. And I pray that when these messages are offered
that we can all listen with open hearts and open minds. I know that when I hear messages that convict
me – as ones on finances often do – my first reaction is either defensive (this
really doesn’t apply to me….right???) or avoidance (starting to make up that
grocery list in my mind). But neither of
those reactions helps me to grow.
Instead, I need to listen, take some notes (I didn’t have to do that
twenty years ago L)
and spend some time meditating on what changes I can make that will be pleasing
to God.
The current teaching series “Core” addresses many important
issues including Worship, on March 9th Extravagant Generosity on
March 16th, Discipleship on March 30th and Service
on April 6th.
As a preacher, Pastor Rod understands that teaching on
subjects that can sometimes be uncomfortable is an expectation that God has for
him. God’s expectation for us is that we
listen with an open heart so that we can begin to discern what God’s will is
for us.
“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers,
because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3:1
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