Thursday, April 2, 2015

Expecting a Blessing - by Debby Kloosterman

I was raised in the Catholic Church.  (I know, that explains a lot!)  Worship in the Catholic Church was predictable.  It followed a definite order and was fairly routine with the same prayers and responsorial songs.  When I began attending a Protestant church, and came to know Jesus Christ more personally, I began to love attending church.  My mindset changed as I began to “expect a blessing”. 
The English language is a strange thing.  The same word can have many meanings.  For instance, the word “expect” is often used to indicate a sense of entitlement, like, “She expects that everyone will cater to her needs.”  However, the word also means to anticipate, as when you are expecting a baby.  You prepare and dream and generally look forward to that little person’s arrival.  That’s the usage that I am choosing.  The definition of the noun, “blessing”, is a favor or gift bestowed by God.  I am not entitled to God’s blessing.  I don’t deserve it, but He gives it because of who He is.

I absolutely look forward to God “gifting” me each week at Redeemer with a song, a message, a word of encouragement or even the sun beaming through the stained glass window.  How will God bless you this week?  Will you anticipate His blessing?  He won’t disappoint you!

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