Monday, September 26, 2016

The Original Verizon Message: A Modern Parable - by Debby Kloosterman

Do you remember the old Verizon commercials?  Actor, Paul Marcarelli, portrayed a network serviceman who travels about asking, “Can you hear me now?”  It seems to me that Verizon received way too much credit for immortalizing that phrase! 

This was reinforced for me last Sunday as Rod preached about Elijah.  There is no reference to Elijah in the Bible until 1 Kings 17:1-9.  God instructs Elijah to go places and follow His leading.  Meanwhile, God systematically reduces the things that Elijah can rely upon (his resources, his labor, his security).  By reducing all the things that are familiar back-up plans, it is as though God is asking, “Can you hear me now?”  As God encourages Elijah to rely more and more upon HIM, Elijah is able to do more things that further God’s plan. 
Lesson #1:  God’s strength is made perfect in Elijah’s weakness.

Lesson #2:  Sometimes it’s okay to rely on your network but ultimately God wants us to rely on Him.

Fast forward to today:  Actor, Paul Marcarelli, is now working for Sprint and telling us that it’s every bit as good as his old network.
Lesson #3:  Our network may change but God’s love and His message are the same.

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