Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Creation of a Sandwich - by Kelvin Fizzell

“And do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for God is pleased with such sacrifices”. Hebrews 13:16, New English Translation

Many couples in their late 50’s and 60’s find themselves caring for 2 generations…their parents as they age and their children who still look to mom and dad for guidance and assistance. These couples have been called “the sandwich generation”. If you referred to them by a certain type of sandwich, I think it should be a “hero sandwich”. They unselfishly provide whatever is needed, giving no thought to the personal sacrifice involved, to meet the needs of others, in this case their family.

My mother is 92, still lives alone in her home, makes all her own decisions, and as she likes to describe it is still “very strong willed”. However, my aging mother is becoming more frail and requires more assistance with managing her everyday household…not to mention frequent trips to medical appointments, shopping excursions, and whatever else she may determine that requires immediate…if not sooner…attention. All of these things take time…often our time.
Our son and daughter-in-law are in their mid-30’s, both working full time and are raising 2 beautiful children. In today’s economy, sometimes they can use some assistance with unforeseen expenses i.e. car repair, home/yard maintenance, or time to help with do-it-yourself projects or days when the grandkids have only a ½ day of school, the day care is closed, or a child is sick and needs a grandparent to be home with them.

The amount of time and resources needed to help out family begins to add up – but we take comfort knowing that we are NOT alone. My wife Sally and I see many individuals/families who find themselves in similar situations. We draw our inspiration from God and the people at Redeemer Church who find their strength from scripture and apply it to their personal circumstance.
 “But if someone does not provide for his own, especially his own family, he has denied his faith and is worse than an unbeliever”. 1Timothy 5:8, New English Translation

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