Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Gift of Giving - by Kelvin Fizzell

This coming January, I will celebrate 8 years of being a staff member at Redeemer Church. During that time, I have been privileged to share many different experiences with members of the congregation. As we move through the Christmas Holiday season, a time when we celebrate the greatest gift ever given to humankind…the birth of Jesus, I would like to reflect on the generous nature of the Redeemer congregation. Being a staff member affords me the opportunity to personally witness acts of giving and sacrifice of all kinds…giving that goes far beyond a financial contribution. Now don’t get me wrong, financial support is critical to many aspects of the ministry work that is accomplished through outreach activities at Redeemer Church. But, the very core of this support goes much deeper than a cash offering, a check, or an electronic funds transfer. It goes to the very heart and soul of a group of people who have a deep rooted desire to serve and give to others…to those who are in need on some level. Redeemer congregation members purposefully look for ways to serve…through simple acts, such as warmly greeting new people who come to Redeemer Church for the first time on a Sunday morning…preparing a meal for 100 people at Advent House…visiting the sick and shut-ins who are isolated from everyday life…skillfully using a sewing machine to create clothing or stuffed animals to bring a little joy to someone who is searching for a glimmer of hope…meeting weekly with others to offer prayer on behalf of individuals who are struggling with significant life issues…donating to provide a dresser full of baby need items to a young mom who doesn’t know where else to turn for help…helping to gather enough food to fill 100 Thanksgiving meal baskets for families that otherwise would not be able to share a traditional holiday meal together…to shopping for Christmas clothing and gifts so families can experience the true giving that Christmas represents…and many more ways too numerous to list them all. 

Do you have a desire to serve…to reach out and impact the life of another person…to give in a way that truly reflects God’s gift to all of us…the gift of Jesus? Then I invite you to come to Redeemer Church, get involved, and discover how your gift of giving can be nurtured and grown.

2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

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