Wednesday, July 6, 2016

God is There!!! - by Ron Bekkering

So I've been listening to some old dcTalk recently and just before we left for Haiti on the annual Redeemer UMC Workcamp I had my headphones in and heard the song Supernatural. I focused intently on the words as I didn't know if I remembered the lyrics. I could recall the chorus, and more importantly the tag behind the chorus..."God is here, God is there" and "God is everywhere". I felt comforted by those words and knew he would be present on our trip! Well to be perfectly honest I didn't think I would see it but He made sure I did; let me explain!

The house we wanted to stay in was booked and a month out we had to find another house. Working with our contact in Haiti, he found another house and that fell through! We were about to be staying at his house and out of sheer panic he called one more place; they had room for us all! We quickly sent a deposit to secure it a month out!

When we arrived we went and looked at our worksite. They had begun making the foundation and it wasn't what we were told it would be. We went back to the house where we were staying and started trying to figure costs and how we would do it?

As Larry Olsen and Dan Klein were outside they struck up a conversation with RoBERson (emphasis added because that's the strong part of the name). Roberson was the construction manager for the mission of the guest house. He gave the guys a whole new plan and better than that; he had just finished a house on Friday and didn't have anything lined up! We asked the CEO of World Village if we could use him and his team? Not only could we use him, but they would pay for his services if we covered lunch! Gladly we accepted!!! God was there and got us in the right place at the right time to build a hurricane safe cement block home where the owners could now have their kids live with them; the kids had been staying with grandma, but now they live with mom and dad thanks to all of you for your prayers and support of the trip!

You would think that would be enough for us but we knew we didn't have the money to finish the house we had $388 left of our initial budget and knew we needed a lot more! I asked the team if they were willing to put some money together to see what we could come up with? When all was said and done the money we had was $1,280, we thought we would be way short and wouldn't be able to finish the roof. Dan went to the store with all we had. Get ready! The bill to finish the house was $1,286. Our host kicked in $6.00 and ladies and gentlemen; God is Here!

There is so much more to tell from the trip, but I want to tell you how I figured God was everywhere! VBS was amazing and to hear the over 270 kids screaming out that He loves Us made me know!  God was in Haiti and in Redeemer's worship on our first Sunday back, and He was certainly in Vacation Bible School! "Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you" (1Peter 5:7). Not only does He care, but He's there! Yup Everywhere!

God Rocks and We Roll,

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